The "LAB" icon brings you back to the Digimon selection menu as shown on
the right. |
The "Food" icon allows you to feed your Digimon. You can choose "Meat"
or "Sweets" as shown on the right. |
The "Train" icon brings you to the "Arena" to train your Digimon's
fighting skills as shown on the right. |
The "Connect" icon sets up your GameBoy Digimon to battle any Bandai Digimon.
When in battle mode, you will be transported to the "Arena". |
The "Feces" icon allows you to clear waste material discharged by your Digimon. |
The "Mail" icon allows you to toggle administration between your various
Digimon. The current Digimon selected is indicated by the double arrows ">>" on the right of the
screen. In this screen, Digimon "3" is the currently selected Digimon. |
The "Bulb" icon allows you to toggle day or night conditions. |
The "Band Aid" icon allows you to administer medicine to your Digimon when
it is sick. |
The "File" icon, allows you to store your Digimon if you do not want it to
progress or evolve at the same time as your other Digimon. |
The "Door" icon allows you to exit to the main menu. |