
Title: Rugrats: Time Travelers
Publisher: Nickelodeon, THQ
Features: GameBoy, GameBoy Color Compatible
Password Save
Format: Adv/Platform
Reviewer: Jason Cirillo


Make sure you've got on a fresh diaper, 'cause you're goin' on a big adventure, baby! The Rugrats, the wildly popular animation show featuring a troupe of the weirdest looking babies you've ever seen, makes it to the Game Boy Color in this wacky adventure/platform game.

Apparently, they've gone back in time through the time machine! You've got lots of different missions which take you through all kinds of strange worlds, your main objective being to rescue the various Rugrats from peril!

Now, I've gotta say, for a guy who's favorite game is Street Fighter, this game had me raising an eyebrow...I was completely out of my element playing this game. And just for the record, I borrowed it, okay?! (insert witty editors note here.) I felt I had to review this just to prove to myself that I am, in-fact, a well-rounded gamer...and because, well, I love the Rugrats.

Sound, Graphics, and Controls

This game, as you can probably imagine, is designed for a younger crowd. With this in mind, It was nice to see how the game was very pleasing in both the sound and graphic department.

If there's one thing I can't stand is how
children's games tend to be a bit insulting by looking like rush jobs. With this title, it didn't seem like that at all. I actually enjoying all the cute animation and surprisingly colorful sprites.

It seemed like the programmers put a lot of effort into including the details that make the Rugrats so cool. I loved the way the intro screens resembled the television show intros, and how lots of the TV tunes were included. It all adds to the
whimsically fun feel of this title. Kids will totally love it.


Gameplay is, well, easy. But what do you expect? Again, though, it's not too easy as to insult a kids ability to play games. It's just challenging enough, and will require effort and timing that most kids are capable of. The control is simple yet responsive, so you aren't required to do any Tomb Raider maneuvers to pass any levels, though I found a few jumps hard to

Thankfully, the game uses a life meter system, which is great for those little tempers that can't stand those 1-hit knock-outs...and it's great for kids, too. Your health appears in the form of baby bottles which you collect, because hey, a baby's gotta have his ba-ba. Rugrats also
features a password system.

The game adds some really fun bonus rounds, my favorite being the toy-crane! I was so excited when I got a Reptar! Woo!

Final Comments

Overall, I think this game is a ton of fun for all ages, but I wouldn't buy it unless you're under 10 years old. If you've got a young kid sister or brother, be nice and go buy this for them. And don't feel embarrassed when when you have to fight with them to play...it's understandable. Just make sure you're wearing your bib to wipe off the drool.

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