Rampage World Tour / Midway
Genre Arcade Platform
Reviewer Eric

Okay, the only thing I liked about this game is Dr. Betty Veronica. Sorry if my verdict is rather early, but she is one sexy babe, and the only reason I played this gawd-awful game. I want to make this point clear before I go on. Also, I want her picture to be the first thing you see, in case you already know how gawd-awful this game is and want to leave before reading my review. Okay, let's begin.

Rampage from Midway, a one time arcade hit, is basically a game that allows you to control three once-human-but-now-mutated monsters that look like rejects from every King Kong, Creature From The Deep and Werewolf movie ever made.


Your purpose is to destroy and/or to level every thing in sight whether human, vegetable, mineral and building. You do this by jumping, kicking, stomping and punching your way through different cities. Of course, you are thwarted at every step by puny humans, who blast you with ray-guns, bazookas and other weapons of mass destruction. You will get injured, but the fun part is, you can grab a human, toss him in the air, and chug em' down for sustenance. There are also a myriad of power-ups than you can find when destroying a building, but not all are good to munch on, and some will leave you with a bad case of the burns.


The whole game is a real feast of carnage, with choppers wheezing by, car bumping your toes, missiles flying and humans screaming in terror. You can of course interact with all the moving sprites, but only if your idea of interaction is destruction.

In between levels, you greeted by the sexy Dr. Betty Veronica who briefs you on your kills. There is also a bonus level, which I though was the second best part of the game, where you glide on an airplane and try to grab as many power-ups as you can. This, however, is only a short reprieve, after which the mayhem starts all over again.

Verdict Rampage World Tour is only good for a few seconds. After the novelty of eating humans and destroying buildings wear off, you are left with game play that's repetitive and tedious.

The controls are also sticky, and trying to latch onto a building can sometime be a lesson in futility. I also found the game overly difficult, even when set at 'normal' difficulty. I shudder to think what 'hard' would be like.

I'd recommend this game only for the chronic and deranged. As a stress reliever, it excels, but in terms of game play, challenge and ingenuity, it's a big zero. By the way, anyone interested it buying it off me?