Game Review Data
Game Title
Spiderman - Mysterio's Menace
1 Player. Password Save.
Andrew Blanchard



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The world's thirst for all things Spiderman appears to be reaching overload at the moment. We've already had computer games on the Playstation, PC and even the Mac which isn't even considered a games platform. There have even been two very successful Spiderman games on the GameBoy Color and, with the hype surrounding the movie, the franchise machine seems unstoppable. I'm sure this won't be the last Spiderman title to make it to the GBA and there will, without a doubt, be a movie tie-in of some description. But back to the present day and Mysterio's Menace. Is it worth shelling out your hard earned cash for? Well let's see.

Screen Shots


After a brief intro it's onto the map screen where the game starts. There are only three locations to begin with : Downtown, Pier 54 and The Empire Metals Foundry but more appear as you finish levels. None of these are locked so you can start anywhere you want although the Pier 54 is probably the easiest. The object of most levels is to locate something or someone and beat the end of level boss. There are few weapons at your disposal to begin and in order to complete the game you'll have to locate all of them.

When you're in any of the various locations you will notice that there are a great many bonuses and locations that can't be reached. This can be a little frustrating until you realize that the only thing stopping you is the right equipment. For example finding the Electric Suit reduces electrical damage and the Thermal Suit allows you to walk through fire. As an added problem these will never be found on the level you need them so travelling around locations is common. There are also secret areas which aren't always that easy to find so try everything.

The gamescreen is all for gameplay with only a small information graphic in the top left. This gives your lives left, web fluid and health. It's not until you press the 'select' button that you really get the rundown on everything you've collected as this selects the inventory. It's all here with items collected in color and everything else grayed out. There's even a section at the top with the current password (which changes as soon as you collect a new item) and mission objectives. The password is another minor disappointment which although only a 6 digit code would have been better as a battery backup.


The control system is incredibly complicated at first as not only are all the buttons used but combinations too. After a little practice though it becomes second nature and even though the web-spinning techniques are all they could be, sometimes combat lacks a little in the moves department. The moves consist of just kicking and punching and, even worse, the henchman never display much intelligence. Fortunately controlling Spiderman is a joy and he always lands right on target which in later levels saves a great deal of frustration.


From the opening scenes to the initial gameplay, it's obvious that the developers at Vicarious Visions have cranked the whole thing up a notch. On start-up you're treated to screens resembling air-brushed comic art. These also accompany all other levels and in addition to forwarding the plot they help to tie the whole thing together very nicely. The actual in-game graphics are also of a very high standard and both Spiderman and his foes move with ease. Some of the main characters are also incredibly well animated with special effects surrounding them. Overall these are exactly the improved visuals we should be expecting from the GBA and from here it should only get better.

Sound & Music

The music is one of those few gems that is actually a pleasure to listen to, especially in the intro when the graphics are in sync with the soundtrack. It's all very dynamic and super hero-ish but never gets in the way of the gameplay. The sound effects are also good but are mostly limited to kicks, punches and various web/Spidey sounds. But as is becoming usual with GBA titles now, if you really don't like them, you can not only turn off completely but also lower the volumes of either sound or music.

Final Comments

For Spiderman fans this is a definite step up on the two previous titles for the GBC. There have been massive improvements in sound, graphics and gameplay and anyone who breezed through the others will have their work cut out here. The non-linear gameplay will have you all over the city looking for those last valuable items in order to complete all of the missions and as a result you'll get a long-lasting and entertaining game for your money. As for non Spidey fans it's good but there are better titles out there already. Strip away the license and you're left with a decent, but not brilliant, game.

@ EAGB Advance 2002. All rights reserved.