Game Review Data
Game Title
Disney's Atlantis - The Lost Empire
1 Player. Password Save.
Andrew Blanchard



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Movie related licenses have always been a great seller on the GameBoy and in exploiting this Disney are no exception. Every year we'll get at least one movie tie-in game which, frankly, isn't usually that good. So, here we have their latest, Atlantis. Not a great success at the Box Office and beaten hands down by the mighty Shrek. I'm expecting the usual platform affair with Disney allowing the characters and not the gameplay to sell this title but who knows, I may just be surprised.

Screen Shots


On startup it appears that Disney have stayed on safe ground and produced a simple platformer but once you've completed the first level (which is a tutorial) you'll have completely changed your mind. You see, along with the platform game, you also get a puzzler and one of the most ingenious ways of swapping characters I've ever seen. You start off playing Milo who has a handful of skills. He can decode cartography and climb ropes attached to ceilings. If you don't need any of these skills you simply find a two-way radio and choose another character. Say Vinny who's an explosives expert or if you need something fixing you can select Audrey... this aspect is where the game really becomes interesting and fun to play.

The tutorial mode gives you a brief rundown of what to look for and makes the whole game a lot more enjoyable. The radio won't always give you all the characters which makes the decisions a little easier but trial and error is part of the game. You'll sometimes come to a puzzle and realize you needed someone else but things do get easier and eventually you'll know what to look for. For example, if there's a weak floor Gaetan's a great digger or if you're faced with a long swim Kida can not only swim faster but stay underwater longer.

Played over 11 levels there are a many problems to overcome and you'll never know what to expect next. The whole game design has been very well thought out and everything is logical so you'll never feel you're in an impossible position. There's great variety involved in the completion of the game, what with swimming, being chased by Mammoths and avoiding all manner of spikes, you'll never feel you can just wander through.

The gamescreen is completely clear of all interference with lives, with a health bar appearing at the bottom of the screen only when you gain or lose energy or find an extra life. At the end of each level completed you are given a code. The password system has wisely been kept to four letters. Just when some save features were getting a little complicated it's nice to see some developers listening to us players.


The control system is simplicity itself and it always seems pretty obvious where you must go. Pressing 'up' activates almost everything such as choosing a character, using their special ability or flipping switches. Everything on screen is very responsive so you'll never encounter any impossible jumps or lose energy when you believe you're in the clear.


As soon as you start up you're greeted by a hi-color poster screen from the movie and you know you're in for something special. In fact all the option screens are like this and the initial presentation is wonderful. The in-game graphics are just as good with each location really setting the atmosphere. The sections where Gaetan uses his head lamp are incredible and the animation of the characters has to be seen to be believed. Instead of the usual blocky sprites, the developers have gone for a type of rendered look which makes the whole thing look far more realistic whilst keeping the clarity of on-screen.

Sound & Music

All GBC sound and music seems to sound a little primitive now that we have the Advance but this is by no means terrible and it's a reasonable interpretation of the score from the movie with various sound effects for all your characters. If it really does annoy you though, you can always turn it off via the options menu.

Final Comments

This is not really what you'd expect with a Disney license and, like the movie that the game is based on, is not really for children. Not that they won't enjoy it. The quality right through is outstanding and I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys platform puzzlers, even people who wouldn't usually touch a Disney title. I really can't praise this title enough and it's nice to see a developer putting so much effort into a handheld game. This may be one of the last great games for the GameBoy Color. Get it Now!

@ EAGB Advance 2002. All rights reserved.